So aside from the loft, or lack of loft, situation, preparing to move and the craziness going on right now with getting our robot biz off the ground and flourishing, there's also this one other thing that's sort of stressing me out, and it involves grilled cheese.
It started earlier this week when I went to lunch with several of my co-workers, and one guy ordered grilled cheese. He claimed to be really good at making grilled cheese, and I piped up that it was one of my specialties too. Before I knew it, this whole conversation, egged on by everyone at our table, turned into a grilled cheese cookoff between me and the other guy. A cut-throat competition has been scheduled for late September.
The worst part is still to come. After accepting the challenge, I then learn that this particular person has spent years of his life as a cheese expert at Dean & Deluca. And I have spent years of my life making grilled cheese from plastic-wrapped Kraft slices and store-bought wheat bread. It's perhaps an understatement to say that I am in over my head.
But alas, it is way too late. Before the end of the day, being the advertising and design agency that we are, an e-blast was designed and sent out, and posters declaring our cheese war have been posted in each bathroom, over the printer and in the kitchen.
You're probably now thinking this is funny, but people, the wearing of professional chef hats has been discussed. Cutting the cheese jokes have been overused through email mockery. And we even flipped a Splenda packet to find out who our assigned sous chefs would be for cutting and garnishing our masterpieces. I'm in some serious trouble.
So... do any of you have a good grilled cheese recipe?
P.S. If you're my unnamed co-workers somehow miraculously discovering my blog and reading this very post, please disregard everything you've just seen. I'm not scared.
It started earlier this week when I went to lunch with several of my co-workers, and one guy ordered grilled cheese. He claimed to be really good at making grilled cheese, and I piped up that it was one of my specialties too. Before I knew it, this whole conversation, egged on by everyone at our table, turned into a grilled cheese cookoff between me and the other guy. A cut-throat competition has been scheduled for late September.
The worst part is still to come. After accepting the challenge, I then learn that this particular person has spent years of his life as a cheese expert at Dean & Deluca. And I have spent years of my life making grilled cheese from plastic-wrapped Kraft slices and store-bought wheat bread. It's perhaps an understatement to say that I am in over my head.
But alas, it is way too late. Before the end of the day, being the advertising and design agency that we are, an e-blast was designed and sent out, and posters declaring our cheese war have been posted in each bathroom, over the printer and in the kitchen.
You're probably now thinking this is funny, but people, the wearing of professional chef hats has been discussed. Cutting the cheese jokes have been overused through email mockery. And we even flipped a Splenda packet to find out who our assigned sous chefs would be for cutting and garnishing our masterpieces. I'm in some serious trouble.
So... do any of you have a good grilled cheese recipe?
P.S. If you're my unnamed co-workers somehow miraculously discovering my blog and reading this very post, please disregard everything you've just seen. I'm not scared.
I have no great advice other than, GOOD LUCK! Keep us posted, I'm curious to see what cheeses are used.
I like mine with salsa.
i like adding grilled onions and on rye or sourdough bread, both tasty options. good luck!
I like to melt butter in the pan (instead of buttering the bread) for maximum grease potential. And if you use any kind of white cheese, your grilled cheese automatically looks fancy. If you really want to destroy him, go out and get yourself some Cabot Seriously Sharp white cheddar. He'll be crying by the end of the night, although he won't know if it's because he lost or because your sandwich is so delicious that it moved him to tears.
May the cheese be with you.
I'd love an update on this. I'm totally a Kraft singles girl myself. With wheat bread, or potato bread. And I butter the bread, not the pan.
There was just one of those smackdown or whatever cooking shows with Bobby Whatshisname and they did grilled cheese. Although, everyone agreed that white bread and american is the BESTEST ever - there was one recipe with green tomatoes and some foofie kind of cheese that everyone liked too. Good luck!
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