
Guest Post #4: How about some shoes with that t-shirt?
I know that most of you probably didn’t even notice that I didn’t post last Saturday, but for those who were looking forward to it, I apologize. With the school semester winding down, I have papers to write and books to read and I usually only have weekends to do them. I’d like to make it up to you though by sharing my brilliant and entertaining term paper about the outsourcing epidemic and how it affects labor economics that I recently finished. Just drop me an email and I’ll get that right over to you.

Anyway, finally things have slowed down long enough for me to think about other things now. For this weekend’s post, I thought I would talk about a few things that I love in life: shoes and t-shirts. I have been an avid thrift store shopper for about ten years now, and finding that perfect t-shirt has been the driving force when digging through everything from fanny packs to old used underwear. After I saw this video, I realized that my t-shirt fixation was not quite as bad as I thought. I do not think I have even owned 150 t-shirts in my entire lifetime.

I balance my love of t-shirts with my desire to have a shoe for every occasion that might possibly come up. Angie mentioned that in her post earlier today. I probably have just as many shoes as I do shirts, and this book is my shoe bible. I look to possibly have every shoe in this book but we will have to see what Angie has to say about that. She thinks that I have too many shoes as is. It’s nice to have goals though, isn’t it?


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