
Kreft Mirale
My darling little niece got a kitchen set for Christmas, which I think she probably loves more than anything else in the world. When we went to babysit her several days after Christmas, if Nick and I weren't playing in the kitchen, then we wouldn't have even seen her or heard a peep out of her all day (which honestly makes for a pretty easy babysitting gig).

However, since we kind of like spending time with her, we did play in that kitchen set, ALL DAY LONG. She bounced from side to side, making things on the stove, washing her hands in the sink and getting fake water out of the refrigerator dispenser. We fed Elmo until he puked, then fed him again, then again, then again and again. I kind of felt bad for the poor guy towards the end of the day. We also tried to teach her to say "BAM!" when she was pouring things into her pots and pans. Sadly, it didn't take.

Since I was spending so much time in the kitchen, I had a chance to examine her grocery selections quite closely. Most were your normal everyday generic labels, saying such things as "ketchup" or "mustard." However, I could not stop cracking up over the "Kreft Mirale." And I think she was a bit alarmed at how much time I spent with the Mirale. HER Mirale, mind you. And when I had to remove the Mirale to another room with more light for photographic evidence, I'm pretty sure she thought I was completely crazy.

If she could only talk, I'm sure she would have said something along the lines of, "Dude, it's just mayonnaise, okay? Just let it go."


Blogger Jamie Lovely said...

That is hilarious. I wish I had some Kreft Mirale in my refrigerator!

Blogger carrisa said...

Ah but it's not just mayonnaise. We mustn't confuse Mirale with Mayo.

(am a mayo girl myself)

too cute! those toy makers are gettin' creative! ;)

Blogger Lindsey said...

OMG that is awesome.

Blogger The Ex said...

HAHAH, that's adorable :)

Blogger Katelin said...

Haha that's great.


Blogger Chris Cactus said...

People talk about the short attention spans of toddlers but isn't it amazing how focused kids can be when they're interested in something?

Blogger L Sass said...

So, is that a "generic" sounding name or an error made by the Chinese manufacturer?

Blogger Isabel said...

Oh but it's so much more!

Blogger Lisa said...

That is too funny. I think she was wondering how to ask for it back in a polite manner. heehee

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