

365 days ago, my life was a whirlwind of excitement, euphoria and nerves. It definitely was a blur, but it was the happiest and most exhilirating blur I could ever imagine.

Fast forward to one year later, today, and I still feel so happy and comfortable and complete. I sometimes catch us in the simplest of moments, like singing in the car on the way to work (on a MONDAY!) or telling lame jokes from our Laffy Taffy wrappers, and think about how different and lonely my life would be without the old lug around. Even if his socks do smell and even if his affinity for ESPN is excessive.

Happy 365, babe!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!

Bob, Sam, and the boys!

Blogger Isabel said...

What great pics.

Blogger Angela said...

Thanks! This is so embarrassing, but even though our wedding pics are pretty much already paid for, we STILL haven't ordered them from the photographer yet. We're humongo slackers.

Blogger Janet said...

how did I miss this?!?! oh...I was off getting married when you posted it :)

love the pics!

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