

It should be no secret to anyone who knows me that fall is my favorite time of the year, and you are totally crazy if you happen to disagree. Here's some evidence:

  1. Crispy air. It's the best.

  2. Long sleeves and sweaters, but no need for big bulky coats.

  3. Walking through crunchy leaves and/or throwing them at your significant other when he's not looking.

  4. The awesome colors the trees become. That one should be totally obvious.

  5. Drinking chai tea. (Actually, who am I kidding? I do this all year long!)

  6. Also, hot chocolate will suffice as a substitution if your husband says you are only allowed one Starbucks visit a day.

  7. Pumpkin-flavored EVERYTHING. (If they made a pumpkin-flavored toothpaste, I'd be all over it.)

  8. Driving around with the sunroof open and the heat on. (Does anyone else do that or am I just weird?)

  9. Buying excessive amounts of candy under the guise that "it's for the trick-or-treaters."

  10. Outings like this.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fall is by far my favorite season, and I am angered nearly every year by its brief existence here in the midwest. I realize we have a longer fall season than most people, but I still go through fall withdrawal every year!

I never tried the sunroof thing, maybe because I don't have one...someday I will try it and hopefully will add it to my list of favorite fall activities.

my list includes many of yours, minus the pumpkin flavors....I can't say that I'm a fan. I don't enjoy turkey either, how weird is that?!

Blogger alana said...

Do you know the only thing that I look forward to about fall? Pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks. Pathetic! (But nothing tops Gingerbread lattes at Christmastime. Drool.)

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